One of the excursions this module was a trip to a Billiards Centre in the city so that the students could teach each other how to play the game. Olivia from Singapore reports:
“Last Tuesday, I went to the city with my class. It was first time that I went there. I was quite excited on the bus to the city. I looked around, there are lots of buildings and shops. People walking around busily. I really like the British building style there, it’s exactly different as my country. After lunch we went to play billiards. It was my first time playing billiards. I had seen my friends in Singapore, but I did not actually try before. At first, Emily taught me what’s the rule. It’s quite difficult to point at the cue ball. However, Judy taught me the position of how to play billiards. You had to put your head and body down, watch the ball, hold the cue like holding a gun, then you push it slightly to move the ball. I found the right technique and I noticed that I can play much better than before. I got the ball in the pocket for two times and I felt quite successful about that”.