I would like to thank you for your patience and understanding over the past few days. We know and understand that difficulties that have come with the lock down.
It is excellent news that for the 5 days running Western Australia has had 0 cases of community transmission and that testing rates remain one of the highest ever seen in WA – over 49,000 tests undertaken in 5 days. There are only 10 active cases in Western Australia all of which are in hotel quarantine. As such the Honourable Mark McGowan, Western Australian Premier, announced that the Perth, Peel and South-West five-day lockdown will end as planned at 6pm today.
Following on from this announcement,Phoenix Academy will resume classes on Monday 8th February 2021. Students will have the option to join class either Face to Face (on-campus) or online through our Phoenix “Live “ Interactive stream.
For those returning to campus, we must continue to practise physical distancing where possible and maintain good personal hygiene at all times. A post-lockdown transition period for the Perth and Peel regions to keep Western Australia safe and help resume a more COVID-safe way of life will come into effect from 6pm on Friday and remain in place until 12.01am Sunday, 14 February. Phoenix will continue to be actively involved in minimising the spread of the virus by:
- Ensuring venues and public areas are regularly cleaned.
- Hand-sanitiser and soap have been supplied throughout the campus for staff and students to easily access.
- Promoting healthy hygiene and wash practices across campus with informative signage.
- Following Australian Government Department of Health requirements.
There are a few additional post lockdown transitional measures implemented by the Western Australian Government which include some that are relevant to Phoenix. These will be revisited by the Government on Sunday, 14 February :
- All staff and students must continue to wear a mask in public and while at school
- Scan in at your classroom door with the SAFEWA app. You can download the app here: https://safewa.health.wa.gov.
au/ - Stay home if you are unwell (join class online via Phoenix “LIVE” only) – see below what you should if you are feeling unwell.
Further post lock down transitional measures can be seen here: https://www.wa.gov.au/
What if you are not feeling well?
If you are feeling sick, please stay at home until you feel better or you have been cleared by a medical practitioner to return to school. If you need help booking an appointment to see a doctor we recommend you have a look at: https://healthengine.com.au/
- You have a high temperature, signs of fever and respiratory symptoms such as a cough or sore throat.
- You have returned from interstate/overseas travel in the last 14 days.
- You are in contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case.
- You believe you may have been in close contact with a person infected with COVID-19.
You should contact the Coronavirus Health Information Line on 13 COVID (13 26843). You can also find more information by the Western Australian Department of Health at: https://www.healthywa.wa.gov.
If you require a free translation service, you can call 131 450. The Department of Health website also has resources about COVID-19 in other languages here: https://www.wa.gov.au/
It is important that you keep us informed about your health and when you will be returning to school. You can do this by calling us at (08) 9235 6000 or emailing us at letschat@phoenix.wa.edu.au
Stay safe and well and I look forward to welcoming you back to school.
Kind Regards,
Pankaj Pathak
CEO & Managing Director