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Learning Environment Survey

We would like to personally thank you all for your perseverance and goodwill during these past months. We know many of you have been trying to balance a very difficult person life with the demands of study. All of us at Phoenix from ourselves down to the most junior staff are amazed at your resilience and dedication in pushing on through these difficult times.


Luckily for those of you experiencing face-to-face teaching you are studying in Perth. We haven’t experienced a second wave of COVID-19 as many of the other states have and we are unlikely to, given our state’s strong emphasis on keeping us all safe with border closure.


We have been working with some of you to ease the burden on your personal circumstances and we have tried to be as flexible as possible to accommodate your individual needs. If you are experiencing difficulties, then please come and talk to us and we will do our best to help you.


Undoubtedly, the bright spot is that we have been able to welcome most of you back on-campus. Students are the life blood of our endeavor and with us rapidly approaching spring and a further easing in restrictions we will be well and truly into the ‘new normal’.


We like to think the ‘new normal’ in terms of Phoenix’s courses will probably look pretty much like what you are experiencing now. Our staff have worked exceptionally hard to give you more flexibility in your study by combining real time on-line learning with traditional classroom learning.


We, at Phoenix, believe this provides you with the best of both worlds and from the feedback we have received you seem to enjoy this style of teaching. It is interesting that those students who have been fully on-line (overseas) have progressed in their studies at the same rate as students able to attend classes in person.


We will continue to carefully monitor the progress of all students and we will continue to invest in new and improved technology to enhance our on-line offering.


Please spare a thought for our wonderful teachers who have had to learn and adapt to this change at even a great rate than yourselves!


Your opinion and experience is very important to us so we can be sure that we are on the right track in producing a learning environment that you are comfortable with and enjoy.


Your comments will also play an important part in convincing our government regulators that this is a valuable way of studying English and Diploma Studies and should remain an integral part of the ‘new normal’ in learning.


Please provide us with your comments and likes and dislikes so that we can keep improving our courses. Simply click the button below to start the survey.


Begin Survey


Thank you for your participation!


Mr. Pankaj Pathak
Managing Director & CEO


Mrs. Robynne Walsh B.Ed.,M.Ed.,Dip TAE, FAIM
Principal & Founding Member