Thank you for your patience and your support over the last few weeks.
We have been actively monitoring advice from both state and federal government agencies to make plans for a customised return to school. We have aligned our return to face-to-face classes with the West Australian 4-phase Roadmap. As you will appreciate our plans need to consider how the characteristics of our school (students, staff, and physical environment) will influence our capacity for social distancing and infection control.
Should there be no change in the health advice from State and Federal government agencies face-to-face classes will return in a phased approach as follows:
- High School Preparation: Monday 8th June 2020
- Academic English: Monday 15th June 2020
- General English: Monday 15th June 2020
- Certificate IV & Diploma of Business: Monday 29th June 2020
What to expect when we return to Face-to-Face classes?
Timetable changes
We are committed to the ongoing health and well-being of all our students and staff. This remains our top priority. To effectively manage our return to face-to-face classes while keeping our staff and students safe your timetable will change.
For the first few weeks our adult classes (General English and Academic English) we will take a phased approach to returning to face-to-face classes. This means on specific days, students will attend face-to-face classes on campus while on other days students will be learning through the student portal, just as they have been doing over the last few weeks. This will result in two days on-campus followed by two days off-campus online. This will reduce the number of students on campus and help us maintain social distancing and infection control. We will review this arrangement weekly and if all goes well after the first week or so, we can then bring everyone back on to campus. Remember High School students will attend on-campus every day!
Online Delivery
A number of our students are offshore and cannot currently return to Australia for face-to-face classes. These students are part of our Phoenix community and many of them are in pathways. We do not want to disadvantage them and will continue to live stream our classes wherever possible. This means that when students do return to school for face-to-face classes they will have the added advantage of viewing recordings of their class through the student portal.
All students whether they are attending face-to-face classes or attending online will continue to engage with lessons on our Learning Managing System (LMS).
As part of our commitment to keep our staff and students safe there will be increased environmental cleaning throughout the day. Additional hygiene measures will be in place including:
- Students that are unwell should not attend school.
- Students that have been in recent contact with someone diagnosed with COVID-19 or within two weeks of travelling from overseas or interstate should not attend school.
- Ensuring personal hygiene such as hand-washing
- Strict protocols around visitors on campus
- Managed student drop off and pick ups for our High School Prep students.
- Staggering break and mealtimes to reduce contact
- Physical distancing in common areas
- Students encouraged to bring their own utensils as all utensils and cutlery will be removed from common areas
I look forward to welcoming our students back to face-to-face classes.
Kind regards,
Pankaj Pathak
CEO & Managing Director